Elding Nordic – Marine Commercial

I made this commercial, everything from producing to editing. Dronge footage and voice over was outsourced.

The commercial is targeted Marine clients, with the new Miele Marine dishwasher, that has features specifically made for harsh environment and automatic drying/cleaning.

eLan 6

The last E-sports events managed solely by myself. I made entire commerical, mixed music and footage. 

The inspiration of this movie is Nostalgia, since this would be the very last E-sports events from my company.


A faroese short film made for “Geytan”, equivalent to the oscar awards. 

My role was directing, DoP, lightning and editing. Most technical know-how was me. 

A commercial for the national division “Effo Deildin”. 

I directed the commercial, assisted studio building and lightnings. And I mixed the music, voice overs and edited the video. 

A commercial done for the SoMe channels. The commerical is about the console game Fifa, and the main objective was to get contestants to join. Every penny went to charity.

I made the After Effects, footage, edited, mixed songs and everything technical know-how.

A short instructional video for customers, when the new margerita.fo website was launch. Since the website had alot of new featurues, the client requested to make a instructional video to boost around SoMe channels.

I made everything except voice over.

This is a short commerical done in preperation to a new vendor Elding Business is selling the Faroe Islands,

This was a solo-job, and therefore I made everything form camera, editing, script and color grading

A trailer for the then upcoming Season 6 trailer in the game Counter Strike: Global Offensive.

I made the trailer, mixed sound effects, found footage and edited it. On a side note, to this event I made server-side configurations and other technical specifications to this event, like producing the live event.

A short teaser video made the the client “Elding” about the upcoming Black Friday. 

I made everything, animated graphics and mixing etc.

A short teaser video introducing the speakers before the main event took place. Video was used to showcase the year that has passed.

I made the after effects, footage and editing.

A brief movie about what tours they are providing to tourists visiting Faroe Islands.

My role was editing, sound effects and some mixing.

A commercial for my smaller event, focusing on one game only. This was an event with around 100 players over the course of 2 days.

I made everything in the video, except for the stock footage from the game.

Launch of a new product – Body Yogurt!

This is a small press-video made for The Body Shop Denmark, where the video is about the atmosphere around the fun activities made with journalists and influencer.

I produced everything.

Play for Peace! 

This is a small press-video made for The Body Shop Denmark, where the video is about the atmosphere around the fun activities made with journalists and influencer.

I produced everything.

A story about how drawings come to life on the national dress.

This is a short movie about the process from start to finish, so customers know the uniqueness of each drawing and sewing for their national dress.

I produced everything.

A short movie about how their materials are done for the national dress.

I produced everything.

Forever against animal testing!

A short movie from the activities in regards to gather signatures from the public around Copenhagen.

I produced everything.

This was one of the first trailers done for eSport.fo – and with a lot of animated graphics testing and excecuting.

I made everything.

A local bar catering to young people. 

My role was assisting the project.


A short movie about the launch of the new restaurant in Copenhagen, called “La La LA”. This is a atmospheric video showing the chaos and enjoyment of opening the new video.

My role was editing and sound effects.


A short movie about the tallest mountain in the Faroe Islands. It was made in spare time as a fun project, where we were out flying with drones and experienmenting.

My role in this video: Music, sounds and editing.
